Malaysian 50th Independence was a memorable holiday for me.
My friends came back from Putrajaya at 2.30am, stopped by at my place and dragged me out from my house. We had drink at the coffee shop near my house.
Joey was kind enough to share with me the nice video recording that she took during the Japanese fireworks presentation. Thank you to my hot mama... :)
3.30am, I went to bed. :)
Woke up at 10.30am...had brunch at 12.00pm.
4.00pm, I went to Giant Kinrara in my younger sister's car.
It is the 100th Giant outlet in Malaysia.
A few more to come out like mushrooms in the coming months.
7.00pm, went to The Curve with my long lost ex colleague, Amy.
Amy just started her social dance lessons not long ago.
We had a long chat about dance in her car.
We enjoyed our dinner at The Walk, sat at the restaurant in front of live jazz band.
After dinner, while waiting for another ex-colleague, I brought Amy to meet my best friend, Chai Ping at her stall in front of Cineleisure.
I picked up a few cute stuffs from her stall, including a handbag and 2 pairs of ear rings.
Posing like model beside the Proton Pesona in front of Cineleisure, 2 burger vendors came.
Darabif. It was my ex-colleague, Brenda.
Couldn't buy from her since we just had dinner.
Finally, Ai Leen showed herself.
We went to drink tea and talked nonstop under the bright moon, till the crowd slowly faced out from The Walk at 11.45pm.
Along Federal Highway, the projection of laser light onto Menara TM had brighten up the place and made Kuala Lumpur looking more lively.
I enjoyed my day totally.
Merdeka! I felt so free and easy.