Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunny Sunday

"Good morning!"

pakai baju kuning tak rasa gigi kuning walaupun tak sempat gosok gigi

my papa... you will not have a papa like mine. :) I know why I am so cute now... kekeke..

Believe me... this is sunrise...

Simba will rule the country

:) Chia woke up very early to race with time...
She wanted to see sunrise...
Didn't brush teeth and didn't comb hair...
Grabbed a scarf and tied for the first time...
Hide her messy hair and her sleepy face under the bright scarf.

Soon this will be fashion in town. Hahahah...
Pirates of the Carribean will be screening soon...

Played with her camera and her masak masak tripod.
Ran up the hill like running on the road.
Went to the wrong junction and thought she miss the boat.
Lucky she was not...

She earned herself a healthy long Sunday morning...
With her papa who is caring...


  1. Good & healthy exercise. Your papa looked very young ah!

  2. Anonymous12:12 AM

    what cause the blur view from the hill? mist or haze.... i think it is haze caused by exhaust from vehicles and factory. malaysia's air is very unhealthy now but no one take care about it
