Sunday, December 17, 2006

A day to make contribution to M'sian Economy

What a day...
Early in the morning made my papa, mama n sis sit in my 4 wheels mouse deer.
Went to Berjaya Times Square for the 6th times in my life.

Wah, TSC has a full collection of shoes you must buy... very nice!! It's good enough for them not to have Christmas deco while the others already have glittery and colourful things hanging in their lots. Because every piece of their shoes looks like Christmas present... (^_^) hehehe..

Not many people at 11am... still able to buy 4 tickets for 12.45pm Eragon at Hall 1.
Mission 1 completed... hehehe...
Thank goodness my papa n mama liked the movie.

Persuade my sis that she will not miss Happy Feet as this movie is much much better than that snowy penguin movie.

I personally like Eragon... :) Easy to understand and the graphics and effects are not bad...

I think later on I have bought many unnecessary things... like spectacles... skin care products... a pair of baby shoes for my nephew's coming 1 year old birth day...

Ha...... I can declare that I have contributed RM660 to Malaysian economy today...
So much... well, atleast better than I pour out to Bangkok two months ago...

Hope it will come back to me again... How?
Erm... If I go jual nasi lemak, will you buy from me?

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