Saturday, December 30, 2006

Super Salesman

If you are looking for new mattress and can't decide on which one to choose, then you should go Desa Petaling Furniture World.

It was Christmas day on Monday, and I followed my sister to do furniture shopping.
We went into all of the shops and saw various sales people and their products that look about the same. :-P

What makes your product special if you are selling the same thing like others?
There is this young and good looking mattress sales man that will make you buy his idea.
First thing, he talk loud enough --> shows his confidence from his experience.
Then, to stress to his points, he do demonstration in full action.
He will not abandone any customers that walked into the shop, even when he was explaining to us (like doing lecture), when one lady stood near the place to listen, he managed to welcome the lady and asked her what she needs...
The lady mumbled to his husband about the wardrobe, and he suddenly turned to answer the lady's query. Wow... The lady was surprised, "Wah, you did hear me talking?"
"Being a sales guy, if I couldn't hear 3 customers talking, then I will not be eligible to be one."
Then he continued to explain on the mattress, did his best to keep the customers with him.

Hmm.... he looks a bit like Hong Kong Andy Hui if you want to know. A younger and better looking version. Fair skin and sharp nose, spiky hair that doesn't fall even after he jumped and lay down on every bed during demo. Also sold his name as Matthew during his wonderful and entertaining presentation. Hohohoho...

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